Infinity Nikki

Infinity Nikki, the fifth installment in the beloved Nikki series by Infold Games, is a cozy open-world game. Utilizing the UE5 engine, this multi-platform game features platforming, puzzle-solving, dress-up, and other gameplay elements for a unique and rich experience.

Price: Free (it's a gacha game so there's optional in-game purchases)
Platforms: PC, Android, iOS, Playstation 5

Lia's Thoughts: I downloaded this game on release day after seeing a Youtube ad for it. Actually, I have been seeing ads for Nikki games for so long by now, I'm surprised this is the first one I've ever played. I remember instantly loving this game, as it reminded me of the old Barbie movies. It felt like everything I hoped a Barbie game could be, but so much more prettier. However, I was playing other games at the time too so I ended up putting it down for a bit.
This week, I picked it back up when I realized I could use my pro controller on my Ipad (game. changer.) and, safe to say, I am OBSESSED. It's all I've been playing this week for like 4+ hours a day lmao. It's just everything. No unnecessary sexualizing, beautiful scenery, great camera, DETAILED clothes, silly dialogue. The quests and exploration are fun, and the MUSIC??? Especially the current event, The Queen's Lament.

Current Level: 20